IRU representatives led by IRU President Zoran Dimov took part in the 16th European Roma Inclusion Platform in Madrid

In the organization of the Spanish Presidency with the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the 16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion was held on November 29 and 30 in Madrid, Spain.

The aim of the meeting itself was how to improve the use of EU and national funding to enable effective and equal access to housing and combat anti-Gypsyism.

On this 16th European platform for the inclusion of the Roma, the organizers invited the representatives of the IRU, which were attended by the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, and the Vice-President of the IRU Stefano Kuzhicov.

During the meeting, a delegation of the IRU met with high representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission and members of the EP. They met with Helena Dali, the European Commissioner for Equality, with the Commissioner for Equality and Good Neighborhood for the Western Balkans and a friend of the Roma, Marta García Fidalgo, with the Eurocombatant Livia Jaroca and others. They had the opportunity to share the local challenges of the Roma community in terms of housing and anti-Gypsyism.

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