IRU congratulates the UN on the occasion of United Nations Day - October 24

On the occasion of October 24 - UN Day, the International Roma Union - IRU and its president Zoran Dimov, on behalf of the entire membership of IRU, sends congratulations to the world's largest organization, the UN, which is synonymous with peace and stability in the whole world.

The IRU's congratulatory message to the UN said: “Humanity has entered the era of sustainability – with a global commitment to deliver on the great promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All the challenges that are of a global nature are only a motive for us all to work together and eliminate all global challenges and problems"

We wish you much success in further activities and undertaken plans and actions, because this planet of ours is a place for all nations to live equally"

Otherwise, IRU is an active member with its own ECOSOC status in the UN.

Otherwise, chronologically, the United Nations was officially established on October 24, 1945. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly declared October 24, the anniversary of the United Nations Charter, as the day "to be devoted to announcing the purposes and achievements of the United Nations to the people of the world and enlisting their support" for its work. .

In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a supplementary resolution (UN Resolution 2782) declaring United Nations Day to be an international observance or international holiday recommending that it should be observed as a public holiday by member states of the United Nations.

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