Everything is ready for the 11th Congress of the IRU on June 27, the interest for membership in the IRU huge is expected to receive over 60 new IRU members and delegates from around the world

Saturday, June 27, 2020 will be one of the most important dates in recent Roman history. The 11th IRU Congress is being held that day. In the morning, a solemn protocol is planned for the opening of the IRU Congress and addressing many guests who confirmed their participation through a video conference. For the first time, the functions of the future leadership of the IRU will be chosen through democratic electronic voting processes. The interest is huge for joining the IRU as well. A huge number of applications have been received and the admission of new members and delegates of the IRU is expected. Their number that will join the IRU is over 60 new members and delegates of the IRU from over 55 countries around the world

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