IRU promotes Web platform VOTE for EQUALITY TEAM so you can vote for IRU functions

On June 25 and 26, 2020, as promised, the VOTE for EQUALITY TEAM web platform was promoted, where you can vote in four steps and cast your vote for the future positions in the IRU with a mandate of four years in the period 2020-2024.

On the platform created and protected by the IT company - Developed by Anton Soft and its owner Elvis Hajdar.

Candidates for each position stand on the platform separately with their CV and their photo.

This spreads democracy in the IRU and at the same time gives it a broader mandate because Roma around the world vote. That system is very simple and you can do it at the following link:

Voting is on June 25 and 26, 2020, and the votes will be counted by the EQUALITY TEAM verification commission.

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