The ET team of IRU says: The interest for membership in IRU exceeds all expectations, applications arrive a dozen times a day!

Records exist to be broken. Such a formulation can be said for the International Roma Union - IRU. According to all the parameters and the interest shown by the applicants who send their applications by e-mail to the IRU, the huge interest is visible.


Even more impressive is the fact that Roma and women send their applications equally to Roma women, and there is also great interest among the young population.

According to the ET Commission of the IRU, this interest is great because the IRU in the previous period (from 2016 when the IRU Congress was held in Skopje, where Zoran Dimov was elected president), made huge progress in its structural reforms and activities.


Since 2016, the IRU has renewed and restarted its neglected positions in international institutions such as the renewal of the ECOSOC status at the UN, and the opening of its own UN offices in New York, Vienna and Geneva, as well as open and transparent cooperation with European institutions - EP, EC, Council of Europe, etc.


At the same time, they work on creating plans, actions and strategies that they regularly send as proposals to relevant international institutions.

Hence, the IRU is a highly ranked International Roma Organization for International Factors.


That is why, in addition to the current membership of the IRU, which has 70 delegates from 50 countries, it is expected that in the next period that number will double by a dozen countries from all continents in the world.


At the same time, the ET Commission notes that in this way, in addition to the quantity, the IRU will gain greater quality in the membership for an even higher rating and a broader mandate of the organization itself and its membership.


Otherwise, applications for membership in Iru can be downloaded on the website of the IRU -,  and also on the cover of the web portal of the Roma Times php

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