IRU President Zoran Dimov met with the director of the Skopje Investigative Prison Esad Rahic and the health condition of Roma prisoners during the KOVID 19 pandemic.

At the height of the pandemic with KOVID 19 that rules the world, the President of the International Roma Union - IRU Zoran Dimov, showed interest to see the situation in prisons in RS Macedonia, namely the situation with Roma prisoners at the height of the pandemic.


For that purpose, a meeting was initiated with one of the heads of these penitentiary institutions with Esad Rahic, director of the Investigative Prison - Skopje, which is publicly known as "Shutka" Prison.

At the meeting, IRU President Zoran Dimov was interested in the treatment of Roma detainees in this prison, as well as whether all health protocols for their protection against coronavirus have been taken into account.


Director Rahic noted that they as an institution have taken all the steps, and apply all the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia, for greater protection of the detainees in the Shutka Prison, including the Roma protégés, so far Fortunately, no serious omissions were reported.


As for the treatment and protection against discrimination and respect for the rights of prisoners, Rahic noted that it is the most open and transparent and that the institution is taking all measures to protect against these phenomena.

During the conversation, Zoran Dimov also had an informal meeting with some of the prisoners - Romi, he was interested in their treatment, where he heard their views.


They noted that for the most part they are respected, and that the prison service headed by Director Rahic often meets some of their demands.


The conclusion of this meeting was that Zoran Dimov will continue to closely monitor the situation with this category of citizens and that both possible anomalies and domestic institutions for the protection of human rights and freedoms will be informed about any possible anomalies.

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