IRU: UN forecasts a 3.2 percent drop in the world economy in 2020, threatening Roma with even greater poverty

The International Roma Union (IRU), during the pandemic with COVID 19, is making efforts to help Roma cope with the situation. One of the biggest problems is from an economic point of view. Otherwise, IRU has ECOSOC in the UN, and thus is directly involved in that segment of socio-economic status.

But according to the IRU, the UN's forecasts for the world economy for 2020 are not optimistic.

The United Nations estimates that the world economy will fall by 3.2 percent this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, most notably the Great Depression of the 1930s.

That means about 34.3 million people are likely to fall below the extreme poverty line, including Roma.

The UN predicts that an additional 130 million people could be in extreme poverty by 2030.

In order to avoid these black scenarios, the IRU and its Economic Commission will intensively look for alternatives in coordination with the UN and the joint offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna to mitigate the forecasts, and at the same time to take a set of measures and strategies. between the UN and the IRU, and to amortize this whole situation in the coming period.

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