IRU reacts: Marcelo Zuinisi from Associazione Nazione Rom from Italy, has never been a member of IRU and must not use the name of IRU

It is well known that the situation with COVID 19 around the world is worrying and alarming. Here, including the Roma community as one of the most vulnerable communities in this pandemic. Italy is also known to face unprecedented disasters.


It is a sign and an alarm that the EU needs to be more actively involved in dealing with these situations, and especially related to the Roma. The IRU, as one of the largest international organizations in the world, through its membership makes efforts to alleviate or amortize this situation to some extent. But there are also people who, knowing the chaotic situation, may want some personal benefit and satisfaction for personal or group upliftment.


It is noticeable that social networks promote and carry out a wide-ranging campaign to raise funds by Marcelo Zuiniisi, who presents himself as the president of Associazione Nazione Rom from Italy. It is alarming that Zuiniisi himself has repeatedly involved the International Roma Union - IRU as an organization that stands behind his actions and is part of the IRU.


The IRU strongly condemns and denies all allegations made by Marcelo Zuiniisi and notes that he has never been a member or part of the IRU. The IRU also denies allegations that self-proclaimed IRU member Melissa Gunasen from N.Ireland, who is closely cooperating with Marcelo, has never been or is a member of the IRU before. At the same time, the IRU wants to deny its member and veteran from London, Grattan Puxon, that the IRU has formed its own Executive Committee that indirectly supports Marcelo's actions. In order for the public to be better acquainted with the IRU for this crisis, it has established its own Crisis Staff, which acts and cooperates with the European institutions and the MEP Livia Jaroka.


So that Executive Committee that emphasizes Gratan Pukson and works with Marcelo and Melissa has nothing to do with IRU or IRU activities, and wants and strongly rejects those arguments, so as not to create public confusion.


The same was emphasized by MEP Livia Jaroka herself, who emphasized that she cooperates only with Zoran Dimov and his IRU, and in no case with characters and profiles such as Marcelo, Melissa and the like.

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