Democracy in IRU to be promoted through Equality Team (ET)

The largest and oldest International Roma Organization - IRU in its strategy and plan has decided to promote the novelty of the spread of democracy and pluralism within the organization and beyond. At the suggestion of the Roma Council of London, Great Britain, Patrick Jones, Roger Lee, Khurram Khan, Verandra Rishi and others set out to lay the foundations for democracy and equality within the organization itself.

The team that developed the concept of ET were the members of IRU: Marja Eronen from Finland, Agush Demirovski from Switzerland, Khurram Khan from Pakistan, Rosita Grönfors and Ajten Berlafa from Sweden, Ramush Muarem from North Macedonia, Verandra Rishi from India, Arthur Quick from Russia, Radmila Nesic from Serbia, Halilovic Graciano from Italy, Maria Rubia from Spain and Nellie Marx from USA.

IT envisions and is aimed at taking a step towards building a recognizable mandate for the Roma nation, which will increase the legitimacy, responsibility and political influence of the Roma representation.

In addition to increasing the membership of the IRU, the policies of ET are also aimed nominitation and actions at the election commission - inside and outside.

Election Documents, Voters List: Local, National, and Global Voters List, Voter Register, Candidate Register, Special List of Candidates for President of the IRU, Vice Presidents, President of the Parliament of the IRU, Vice Presidents, Heads of Commissions, Secretary General, Treasurer and other important functions. Note: the IRU Cabinet will have 21 members.

At the same time, alternative action models will be implemented, such as: strategies, individual implementation or phased approach, complement implementation and one-time conversion.

If you want to see the functioning of the ET team, you can see it on the IRU website -

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