IRU Opinion: Are Only Standard Roma NGOs Grantees and Donors Imposed on the EU and as Political Makers?

Long, already too long on the map of Roma activism, it is noticeable that for years and decades the same characters have been on the scene of Roma activism internationally. That "group" of the same people have been "catching up" well with the time and are reluctant to leave that pedestal to others.

In fact, using the funds provided by donors and foundations to implement a large number of projects on behalf of the Roma, they themselves have made their own "safe nest" for existence and at the same time through projects to expand their network by virtually releasing metastases on multiple levels.

It goes without saying that they are so called. Roma activists and mammals of "Roma funds" have created their own "Bastion" of personal and close arm funds and sub-organizations so they can channel those funds from their foundations into their own "sub-organizations" themselves and expand their empire even more!

They have made such a strategy that it exists in virtually all segments of life. Both in education and health, housing, employment, culture, sports, etc. They have literally let go of all the parties and now want to impose themselves on the creation of national and international Roma policies.
In the literal sense they are - EVERYWHERE!

The question is, do foreign donors and foundations notice that they actually give the funds to the same people?

Instead of allocating these funds on multiple fronts according to the needs and priorities and at the same time relevant Roma entities, these funds are given to exactly the same Roma NGO Dynasty, which then redistributes them according to their wishes, criteria and needs. But deployed again to them in their "sister" organizations.

Have the EU and other foundations been asked what other ERTF Roma organizations that are part of the Council of Europe serve? Because it serves the IRU which is part of both the United Nations and the ERTF. IREM, ERIO, Phenalipe, NRC, Roma national parties from the countries of origin.

Why not ask these organizations for their expertise and opinion? Are the EU and foundations of the opinion that these organizations lack the capacity, profile of good professionals and analysts?

Or is this "Roma NGO Bastion" not wanting these Roma organizations to come to the surface at any cost? Distributing the funds among themselves, they remain the "most important factor" in the eyes of the EU and foundations. But there is an end to it. One day when the pumpkin will "burst" all faeces from their operation will be exposed. And according to the time and the way the time works.

The time is near for one international - "Goodbye" of that self-proclaimed Roma NGO Dynasty. Well it's time!

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