IRU Video Conference: Ahead of the IRU Congress in March 2020 in Skopje, great interest in joining new delegates to the organization!

Membership and Presidency of the IRU, this weekend via video conference were presented the instruments and guidelines for the upcoming IRU Congress to be held from 28 to 30 March 2020 in Skopje, R.N. Macedonia.
During the discussions and presentations, the Presidency of the IRU outlined guidelines on how to implement the plan for implementation in the field of Democratic Transition, namely the manner of electronic voting, where more than 5,000 voters are already registered around the world.
It is also interesting that the IRU during the IRU Congress will verify the mandate of the newly admitted IRU delegates. As previously informed, applications are now underway for membership in the IRU where application forms and rules are available on both the IRU Web site and the Roma Times Web Portal.
Interestingly, the interest in leadership in the oldest and largest Roma organization IRU is immense. Every day a huge number of applications arrive at the IRU email address.
This clearly and unambiguously shows that the IRU is a respected and highly positioned Roma organization and that everyone knows the credibility of the IRU internationally.
It is also interesting that all potential candidates for IRU membership are clearly distancing themselves from the so-called IRU. Parallel to other illegal IRU organizations currently being declared as such, and it is clear that they are operating the International Roma Union - the IRU whose registration is in Vienna, Austria, which is also ECOSOC status in the United Nations and that its president is Zoran Dimov is also a supporter of the implementation of the Democratic Transition whose creator and strategist is the first IRU Secretary-General, Mr Grattan Pucson of London.
Otherwise the coordination and stages to the following directions will continue in continuity and that the next Video Conferencing is scheduled for the second week of January 2020.

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