Elizabeth Shajn is IRU Representative at the United Nations Office in Vienna

Following the acquisition of ECOSOC status at the UN in June 2018, the procedure for appointing IRU members to UN offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna has also begun.

So far, almost all of the designated members of the IRU have been registered as representatives of the IRU who will participate in the UN working sessions in the upcoming period.

Also as a new IRU representative at the UN Office in Vienna, he received his accreditation from Elizabeth Fine of Austria, Vienna. She is assigned to be at the UN office in Vienna.

In addition to being a prominent IRU delegate, Fine is also active in other fields closely linked to Roma activism.

Graduated from the Faculty of Interior Design. She is also a member of the Roma Party, which is part of the Inter-Parliamentary Roma Organization.

Elizabeth Shajn Fluent in Romani, Serbian, German, English and Slovak.

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