In Roma IRU President Zoran Dimov at a meeting whit PM Giuseppe Conte and European Commission

On 13 September 2019, at 6.00 pm, at Palazzo Chigi, had a meeting PM Giuseppe Conte, Zoran Dimov, Zeljko Sajn of the International Romanì Union, delegates of the National Council of Roma Sinti Caminanti (RSC) from all over Italy. The organization is followed by Diplomatic Counselor Benassi Pietro of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The meeting with the Government was requested in order to implement the European Structural Framework Agreements, the National RSC Inclusion Strategy, the correct use of European Structural Funds, allocated to Italy by the European Commission in the period 2014 - 2020. There are 7 billions of euros for the inclusion of homeless, unaccompanied foreign minors, victims of trafficking and slavery, prisoners and ex-prisoners, Romani people. Discussions focused on compliance with national and European laws relating to the Supervisory .

Also, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov submitted the decision made by the IRU Parliament to establish a Roma Ombudsman - Contact Point headed by Srdjan Fine and at the same time the IRU Strategic Resolution.

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