For the first time at the IRU Parliament in Skopje - First Scientific Symposium "Genesis, Language, History and Religion"

Within the Parliamentary session of IRU on June 28 and 29, to be held in Skopje, one of the activities is the origin of the Roma, their genesis, language, history and religion.

It is titled as First Scientific Symposium where its latest findings, discussions, suggestions and activities in their speeches directly address the audience. Presentations among others will include: Verandra Rishi -Indija, Dr. Trajko Petrovski RSM, Dipl.etnologist Daniel Petrovski, Andris Teratas - Latvia, David Berat, Imer Kajtazi - Belgium, Robert Alagjozovski - Nat. coordinate. for once. of culture and intercourse. sorab.

At the same time, from an innovative point of view through their own video presentations, they will have prominent experts from that segment, among other things, names such as: prof. Jan Hancock - USA, Dr. Rajko Djuric - R. Serbia, Gratan Pucson - V. Britain and Nadezhda Demeter - Russian Federation

This section will be held on June 28 - Friday in the Hotel Continental in Skopje.

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