The Parliament of IRU in Skopje in the section Public Haring will discuss the topic: "Rule of Law and Status of the Roma Community"

More frequent incidents and ethnic violence against Roma in Europe and more will be one of the topics to be discussed at the 5th Parliamentary session of IRU in Skopje, which will be held on 28 and 29 June in the Hotel Continental in Skopje.

The growing wave of ethnic violence, discrimination and rhetoric with an emphasis on the Roma community, as if it had become an everyday thing today. All this is necessary to be put under some control and at the same time to raise the question, in what way can it be eliminated or reduced that intolerance and intolerance towards the Roma community.
We witness many events both in the past and in the present.

The topic is painful but still open. Europe and other international institutions need to raise this issue to a higher level in order to find its solution.

On this occasion, besides the IRU delegates and other guests, representatives from the Embassies in our country and other representatives from international organizations have been announced in order to openly and transparently solve these problems.

The organizer IRU hopes that from this event will be positive moments that will have to be realized in the recent times as one of the priority tasks of the participants.

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