In anticipation of the Parliamentary session of IRU in Skopje, President Zoran Dimov says: "My dream and ideal is so simple - Break the silence for the suffering of the Roma people

On Friday and Saturday, June 28 and 29, Skopje will host over 70 IRU delegates from 50 countries and other distinguished guests.

It will be discussed mostly about the situation of Roma around the world, and debates and several scientific symposiums will be held in this domain, such as Public Hiring - Theme: "Rule of Law and Status of the Roma Community" - Third Scientific Symposium on the Holocaust - Topic: "The Roma Holocaust - The Horror and Truth about the Roma Ghettos" - First Scientific Symposium - Theme: "Genesis, Language, History and Religion" as well as Roma Business Forum.

In that assembly, the President of IRU himself, Zoran Dimov speaks of the specific moment:
"Me as the President of IRU my dream and ideal is so simple!

I wish that I, together with my people, live in a society where the interests of the individual, freedom, justice and dignity are much more important than the territory or any national and state interests.

These are the basic principles of every person (including the Romans). I would like to see this minimum in those places where we live and live, regardless of the country in question.

I am always thinking about how to figure out the names of all those innocent Roma victims everywhere in the world who, in order to be able to once again break that silence for the past accidents that the Roma faced in the past.
I am convinced that one day our sons and sons of all those who are prejudiced against the Roma people will sit together at the same brotherly table and rejoice in the same things, mentions the first person of IRU Dimov.

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