Zoran Dimov The President of the IRU reacts: Police action against Roma in the heart of Europe - Belgium is unprecedented!

A major police action involving around 1,200 police officers, which was conducted in the morning on 7 May 2019, at 19 locations across Belgium, was targeted at the Roma community (Travellers).
The accusation for which this action was carried out is due to trade in illegally obtained vehicles.

IRU highly respects the work of the police and dealing with criminals in Belgian society, because it is necessary for everyone to be equal before the Belgian legal system.

But what's worrying is the way that was carried out during the action of these mass arrests. Police action was conducted in over 200 actions, arrested about 80 Roma, and seized and confiscated property, objects and caravans.

At the same time, during the arrests, most of the Roma were immediately released without being questioned, but their property and confiscated items were not returned to them, so now there are a large number of members of this community left in the open sky without finding an adequate replacement for accommodation.

This means that the arrest of innocent people without evidence or a fact of a crime is unacceptable in the legal system.

This way of reaction awakens the black past from the time of mass arrests and deportation to the concentration camps during the Holocaust.

Even more worrying is the fact that this is all happening in front of the eyes and the center of Europe in Belgium! Europe is silent, frowning, and unresponsive!

Is this form of arrests Roma "scapegoat" on behalf of the upcoming European Parliament elections to raise the ratings and campaign for all those candidates for parliamentary seats and are right-oriented and known for their anti-Roma rhetoric.

That's why IRU will not be silent and will react promptly to all European and other international institutions.

At the same time, IRU calls on the Belgian authorities in the interior ministry to carry out the necessary activities and return to Roma Passengers back their caravans, their unique homes.
It is required to stop the arrest of the whole community for the crimes committed by certain individuals.

We call on human rights organizations to support us in finding a way to resolve this complicated situation and to make constructive dialogue with Belgian and international authorities.

At the same time, the IRU appeals to local or other Roma organizations not to try to manipulate the Roma and the public to make saviors only in the name of some personal interest and profit, on the back of these unfortunate Roma.

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