On the occasion of the meeting with the Roma in Italy - Napoli, reaction of IRU by Grattan Puxon and Zoran Dimov to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

It says: In your capacity as President of the Council of Ministers you are bringing great shame on Italy!

The eviction of 500 Roma, men, women and children in the municipality of Giugliano in Campania, on 10 May (this time 100 children) is but the latest inhuman action taken by the state and the municipalities against Roma and Sinti, known to be the most vulnerable and
under-represented people in Europe.

I urge you to see that a new, secure place is found for all these families, in conditions that you yourself would accept. You are creating more and more "internally-displaced" persons, reminding those of us old enough of the darkest days of fascism.

Please, we appeal to you to end this policy of destruction of camps, of thousands of lives. Return, we demand, to respect for human rights, allow dignity again to prevail for all citizens and residents, including EU citizens from outside Italy.

Italy, once praised for your Christian charity, now must we be left only to condemn you for your intolerance and inhumanity?
As chairman of the Commission for Democratic Transition, together with the President of IRA Zoran Dimov, this issue will be on the agenda of the next IRU Parliament meeting to be held in Skopje from 27-30 June " - stands in the spirit of the reaction of this letter to the Prime Minister of Italy Giuseppe Conte.


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