The new Messi is hiding in Ridvan Selim

In a decade, the new football name is expected to shine on the world fields, and that is eleven-year-old Ridvan Selimi, the young football player from the "Forza" school, who is fear and trembling on the left side of the field.

Although he is still a child, this little boy still thinks like an experienced football player.

When I go out on the field, I have respect for every opponent, but I am adorned with dribbling, so I often know how to "move" my opponents off track, jokes little Ridvan, and added:

I never look at individual statistics, I want the team to win. Football is a game where the team wins, not the individuals. For now, I do not think in which direction my career should move, we go step by step, and the road will open on its own.

I support PSG because the best football player of today, Leo Messi, plays in it. It can be said that I used to support Barcelona because of him, but now I am for PSG. But, on the other hand, if I had to choose a league in which I would like to play, it would be La Liga or the Premier League, because it is played at a higher level, it has the best clubs, added the member of "Forza".


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