Undefeatable Romani kickboxer Václav Sivák defeats Tokhtarov in Czech Republic, remains the king of the RFA

Václav Sivák defended his Real Fight Arena (RFA) title in a match against the Austrian-Chechnyan fighter Ruslan Tokhtarov at the RFA 10 gala evening in Havířov, Czech Republic. Tokhtarov had problems with his weight ahead of the match and was out of the running for a shot at the title.

The gala evening at the Gascontrol Arena in Havířov offered 10 fights under K1 and MMA rules. Sivák, who is the WAKO PRO world champion and the winner of the WAKO K-1 World Grand Prix pyramid, began the match with an undefeatable record of 22-0.

His rival Tokhtarov had a record of 20 amateur wins, 35 professional wins and eight losses, but ahead of the match he lost the opportunity to win the title because he missed the 66 kg weight limit by two kilos. During the first round he was the more active fighter, doing more work and striking more blows, but by the end of the round Sivák managed to send him to the mat.

Sivák was more active and took the initiative in the following round. The third was similar to the second, Sivák clearly won and took a big step toward defending his title.

Link: https://romea.cz/en/czech-republic/undefeatable-romani-kickboxer-vaclav-sivak-defeats-tokhtarov-in-czech-republic-remains-the-king-of-the-rfa


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