Nedjip Sulejmanovski - First professional bodybuilder, Roma and Macedonian pride - Absolute Bodybuilding Champion for 2020

Nedjip Sulejmanovski (30) was born in Skopje and the current champion of Macedonia in the heavyweight category and absolute category in Bodybuilding for 2020,

He started showing interest in this sport at the age of 22. He now works as a fitness trainer and massager. He became interested in this sport and did his first exercises at home. After two years of remarkable progress, and gaining a lean muscle mass of 20 kg, he was determined to enter and try out in professional waters and compete.

He started his professional engagement in 2014, with a strict training regime, nutrition at a much higher level. All this resulted in 2018 when he participated for the first time in a competition in Bitola, in the category up to 80 kg and managed to win 4th place as a member of the team Magnus. It was a motive for him to work even harder and harder through the trainings. It resulted in even greater success. The bodybuilding competition was held on August 23 this year in the City Park. Sulejmanovski participated in this second big competition also for the team of Magnus where he took the victory in his category and won the first place convincingly. Additionally, Sulejmanovski won the heavyweight category and the title of Absolute Champion.

As he says for the Roma Times portal, Sulejmanovski himself is very satisfied with the achieved results together with his coach Dragan Paunovic. His next goal is already on October 12 this year at the famous Diamond Cup which is of international character and expects the highest ranking, where he has focused in recent years.

Sulejmanovski is already slowly gaining the sympathy of the general public, and fans of this sport, and we can conclude that it is already becoming a real Roma and Macedonian pride, as well as a motive for the younger generations to start doing this really difficult sport.

It must be noted that it is necessary for the public, the media and the country itself to show greater interest in this talent where there really is capacity, to represent our country at the highest level and in the world. Nedjip, we are with you!



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