Rab Howell: The first and only Roma to play for England and Liverpool

When he played for Sheffield United in 1890, Rabin (Rab) Howell was a real sensation. At a time when the Roma were expected to have the most miserable jobs for the public, it was a surprise that a "pure-blooded Roma" played in such a big club.


Rab Hauvel was a successful, talented and persistent footballer, who after Sheffield soon played for Liverpool and the English national team, which today classifies him as the only Roma who played for the English national team.

Howell was born in 1867. In a Roman caravan in Weinbank. Sheffield district. Before becoming famous for playing for Sheffield United and Liverpool, Howell played for Ecclesfield and Rotherham Swifts.


He was a really great footballer despite his height of 165 cm. He made his debut as a striker, but was immediately reassigned to the defense and played in that position until the end of his career.

In the book "The 100 Greatest Sheffield United Football Clubs", Dennis Clareboort says many of the players had a fear of Rab, described as a "hard nail".


The last club he played for after Liverpool was Preston North End. He played 68 games for Liverpool and did not stay long in Preston when he broke his football career in 1903 due to a broken leg.


He continued to live in Preston, and worked as a night watchman. He was in poor health and later died blind in 1937 at the age of 69.


Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/rab-howell-prvi-i-jedini-rom-koji-je-igrao-za-fudbalski-tim-engleske-i-liverpool-f-c/

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