An exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Šaban Bajramović in the world's most prestigious jazz museum, in New Orleans

The exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Šaban Bajramović will be opened on Thursday, June 13, at 6 p.m. in the world's most famous jazz museum in New Orleans, in the presence of high-ranking American dignitaries and representatives of the Serbian diaspora.

Saban will find himself in the company of his idols like Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles and James Brown, as the undisputed king of Balkan soul and blues and the world king of Roma music.

In addition to personal items, his records, cassettes, CD releases, posters, books and magazines about him will be on display, as well as his original statuette, which the Nashville Jazz Festival traditionally awards to performers for the best fusion of jazz with other genres.

Part of the exhibition will also present photos of some of the laureates and winners of the statuette, such as Solomon Bark, Blues Brothers, Al Di Meola and Candy Dalfer. Visitors will be able to see a short film about Saban, and listen to his songs via QR codes.

The band of Peter Stan, a Roma artist who has lived in New York for decades and who had four joint performances with Saban during his famous tour of America, will also perform at the opening.

The exhibition is the result of a five-year agreement between the director of Nashville and the director of the New Orleans Jazz Museum, Greg Lambosi, who last year finally visited the Nashville Festival and Jazz Museum and learned about the life and work of Šaban Bajramović.

Jelena Ivanjac, the representative of Nishville in America, made an immeasurable contribution to this exhibition with specific agreements on the exhibition itself and the visual identity of the exhibition.

The exhibition will be open for the next 6 months.




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