Mite Stoilkov, vocalist in the "Jay tribute band", which will keep Jay's songs alive: "It is a great responsibility, but also an honor"

As exclusively learned, the famous composer Aleksandar Radulović Futa founded a "Jay tribute band" in honor of the deceased singer, who is already ready to start performing, and who will perform exclusively the hits of the legendary artist from Dorčol, signed by him and his wife, the undisputed hitmaker Marina Tucakovic. Members of the band are Jay's younger daughter Maria Ramadanovski, Jay's best friend from the show for 25 years, Zoran Jagodic Rule, as well as Macedonian singer Mite Stoilkov, who now reveals how he feels about it.

Mite, how did you react when Futa called you?

- First of all, I must say that it is a great pleasure to be here today, thanks to Mr. Aleksandar Radulović Futa and the whole team. So I'm really surprised to be part of this team. However, Jay had his own style, so this is a big responsibility.

What is the responsibility, do you have stage fright? The song is so meaningful and Jay's discography is so vast.

- I have nervousness and great responsibility. But it is a great honor for me to sing his songs at performances. Simply, he always lives with us.


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