Ferus revealed when he was planning to play

King Saxophonist Ferus Mustafov, who is constantly active on the music plan, regularly produces instrumentals on his Saxophone.

Among other things, he is here every time and to help all those young musicians who are trying and want to learn the skills of this wind instrument.

- Young children are coming. I have a lot of kids I've been learning. Play professional. Not to mention them, but from the grandson of my eldest son. I have a good student from Veles, Michael. Then Jaafar, Iso and many others. I also had from America, women from two and from Australia I studied them. Everyone is well-educated, says Ferus.

Though he has already been named king of the Saxophone, Ferus himself says he still learns. As life adds, it is a great school we are constantly learning. When asked, when Ferus plays, he decides:

-When I play, while the God yells, he stops and stops, and while holding his legs and arms briefly highlights Ferus.

Recently, Ferus was part of a video project that was performed by "Bumbari band" on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Macedonian music scene.

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