Teheman Lazar, the only trumpeter in the country

Tehamana Lazar(44) is the only trumpeter in Macedonia.
Ever since I was a little girl, I really liked this instrument and, as every kid, I wanted to try to learn to play. When I tried, a tone came out, which is very strange to a girl. I enrolled in a lower music school.

Everyone asked me what you want to play, and I answered 'a trumpet.' Every instrument has its own difficulties, I can not say that I had no problems. It takes a lot of exercise and dedicate to the instrument as much as possible. A woman to take a trumpet and play, it's a little bit for our society is a bun. It's not everyday.

I am a character who should present Roma society, culture, music, language. A person who gives a picture of the Roma as a whole.

I work in two places. I teach Roma in the school "Brothers Ramiz and Hamid" in Shutka and my second job is as a music professor. I surrender vocals, salt and pipe. It's an organization or school called "Roma Rock school". This means that we do not only study Romani music, but we also study in other directions, says Tehamana.

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