A video from the Sombor funeral made chaos on social networks

Customs that are observed during funerals vary from country to country, but the one observed in the Sombor can be categorized as one of the most unusual.

The PB posted a video of the burial of a certain Kata, which was sent to its eternal home with trumpets, songs, games and jumping around the ark.

The reactions were divided, and the orchestra was engaged that was engaged for this burial.

"They did not call and we came, among the Hungarian Roma, this is a custom. We came here and we finished our work and that was it "

A discussion and controversy about the FB event took place immediately, whether it was a custom or a wish of the deceased himself.

- We think that it has nothing to do with the nation whether it's Roma or a Serb, most likely it was the last wish of the deceased to be sent with music, and everyone can leave a wish or an amnesty, and it is not necessary to insult on a national basis. say part of FB comments.

Other comments were with humor such as: - When I die and send me this way to me. Music music. Just do not sit on the coffin so that the atmosphere does not get me down, so I will get up.


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