Serbian media trail: "Shaban Shaulic is vampire"

Folk star Shaban Shaulic, who died on February 17 in a car accident in Germany, was buried without any religious ceremony on 22 February, his friends commented no matter the city authorities who decided to bury him in Belgrade, Shaulic's desire was and always said he wanted to rest beside the tomb of his mother, Ilduce, buried under Muslim customs.

The death was swift and unexpected, and Shaban probably did not tell his wife and her children's desire. They made a decision not to call the funeral, nor the priest. They organized a civil burial with three accordionists and the song "Do not Cry Soul".

Otherwise, it has not been 40 days since his death, according to the religious beliefs of the soul to find his peace, and in the family of the famous singer and neighborhood panic has prevailed. In the family house of the singer at night they see him see Shaban as he walks, lights up, and lights off, then sits on the dining room in the dark where he often rests and watches the Danube.

Some media have already reported that "Shaban has been sweeping", transmitting the statements of neighbors who are panic seeking help from priests and healers.

-We are all in shock, we talk about it for days. None of the singer's family is coming into the house for 10 days. Or they can not or are trying to solve this problem with oggies and poppers, told the Belgrade-based media neighbor of the late singer.

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