From November, 12 hours of cheap electricity?

The Energy Regulatory Commission is making the final preparations for the announced increase in the daily cheap electricity tariff. The information that is known to the public so far is that from the first of November, instead of until 3 p.m., citizens will use cheaper energy until 4 p.m. The cheap tariff remains in force at night and of course on Sundays.

"We have good intentions in the idea of ​​freeing up one additional hour of a cheap tariff, from which pensioners will certainly benefit the most. But at the same time, we must take care that there is a reliable and stable delivery of electricity and that the system stabilizes seriously so that it can build space for further possible external shocks. What is worrisome is that for the past few months, electricity exchange prices in the region have been higher than prices on exchanges in Western Europe and Scandinavia. For this situation, we asked the Energy Community to get involved," said the Energy Regulatory Commission.

The head of regulatory authority Marko Bislimovski, a few weeks before announcing the price of electricity for the second six months of the year, announced that plans are being made to increase the period during which citizens use the daily cheap tariff. That is, instead of from 13:00 to 15:00, it should be until 16:00. At the press conference where the new price of electricity was announced, Bislimovski emphasized that households would have this benefit from November.

Otherwise, households have a cheap tariff in the night hours, that is, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. And of course 24 hours a Sunday.

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