A fake news about a free bus ticket is being spread on Facebook so that citizens do not fall for the scam

A newly created page on Facebook, called "Transport card of the city of Skopje" offers citizens the opportunity to buy a "Skopje" card by the end of the month and for that get free transportation for one year. It is more than clear that it is a fraud or a tasteless joke, and this was confirmed by JSP "Skopje.

The JSP announced that the fraud has already been reported to the Ministry of the Interior. JSP Skopje established a fake news with which the logo of the "Skopska" electronic card was forged, published on social networks by a group called "Transport card of the city of Skopje", which is not related to JSP Skopje. It is a scam with a fake link that steals data from citizens' payment cards. A public transport company reported the fraud to the Ministry of the Interior and expects quick action from the authorities to find the perpetrators of the fraud and expects immediate taking of all legal measures to protect JSP, according to their statement

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