The first and only Roma municipality, Šuto Orizari, is celebrating its 28th birthday

Shuto Orizari began to develop after the catastrophic earthquake of 1963. After the reconstruction of Skopje and its surroundings, the place where today's settlement is located, the predominantly Roma population began to settle. Today, Shuto Orizari is one of the 10 Skopje municipalities.

With the gradual shaping of the settlement, the municipality of Shuto Orizari begins to take on the appearance of an urbanized suburban neighborhood. Over time, Shuto Orizari acquired its own administrative and cultural institutions.

In 1996, Shuto Orizari together with the two surrounding villages — Gorno and Dolno Orizari, formed an independent administrative unit — the municipality of Shuto Orizari.

According to Vasil K'nchov's statistics ("Macedonia. Ethnography and Statistics") in 1900 the population of Shuto Orizari consisted of 84 Macedonian Christians.

On the ethnic map from 1927. Leonard Schulze Jena indicates Orizare as a village with an unclear ethnic composition.

On the ethnic map of Northwest Macedonia from 1929. Athanasius Selishchev marked Orizari as a Macedonian village.

The general picture of the population in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, according to the census of the population, households and apartments in R.S.M. it has a little more than 23,000 inhabitants (according to unofficial data about 35,000 inhabitants). According to the data, about 70% of the total population in the municipality is of Roma ethnicity.

Otherwise, the current mayor of the municipality in his second term is Kurto Dudush Kuco.

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