The bloody fight in Zlokućani. They continued the fight in Urgenten. At least 10 were injured

On June 17, around 10:30 p.m., it was reported that there was a bloody fight between two large groups in the Zlokućani neighborhood in the Roma neighborhood. Shovels, axes, knives were used... (fortunately the gun that was taken out was not able to be rehearsed by the owner).

The massive fight broke out due to disturbed neighborly relations. Three minors were also involved in the physical fight. 10 people were injured in the fight and all of them ended up in the Emergency Center in the "Mother Teresa" clinic complex, where the physical fight between the two groups continued later.

The statement of the Ministry of the Interior says: "On June 17, 2024, the Ministry of Interior Skopje reported that at 10:30 p.m. in the area of ​​Karposh, due to disturbed relations between neighbors, a physical confrontation occurred between F.J. (22), B.J. (39) and three minors on the one hand and EG (52), GG (23) and HT (29) on the other, all from Skopje, during which hard and metal objects were used. It was later reported that around 1:55 a.m. in the Emergency Center in the "Mother Teresa" Clinic Complex, while D.J. (52) with his relatives S.J. (25) and I.D. (38) was waiting for the results of his injured son in the previous calculation, were physically attacked by E.G. (52), B.S. (43), A.S. (48), B.S. (44) and I.G. (36), during which they used metal and hard objects. Soon, after taking measures, police officers from the Unit for Intervention Police at SVR Skopje in the area of ​​the Center deprived E.G., B.S., A.S., B.S. and I.G.. While F.J. was detained at the Karposh Police Station. and B.J. and the three minors. After the case has been fully documented, an appropriate report will be filed against the persons" - reads the notice from the Ministry of the Interior.

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