Completed proposal for the composition of the new government. Shaban Saliu from DSR proposed for Minister without portfolio, voting announced for June 22 and 23

The proposed composition of the new government has been completed and together with the program should be submitted to the Parliament, while the vote is expected to take place next weekend.

There will be 15 members from "Your Macedonia" in the government, three of whom will be vice prime ministers, cadres from the "Vredi" coalition will manage five ministries and have one vice prime minister's position, and two ministerial portfolios will be headed by the party ZNAM - For our Macedonia. The coalition partners, the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party of the Serbs, will also hold vice prime minister positions.

Shaban Saliu will be the minister without portfolio in charge of integration and implementation of the Roma decade.

Mickoski said that when choosing the personnel potential and solutions for the composition of the new government, he was guided by the principles of honesty and commitment, as he emphasized - to be people who will give great energy to the processes and fully invest in the realization of the ambitious set goals.

I expect a successful implementation, that is, the voting will end during the next weekend, June 22-23, Mickoski said.

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