Communal hygiene promotion from June 19 to July 31, 2024, pay arrears without interest

JP Communal hygiene Skopje informs its users, natural persons from households (respondents and regulars) who have an outstanding debt for collecting and transporting municipal waste through the joint account with JP Vodovod and sewerage Skopje, that from today, June 19, 2024, as of July 31 2024, they have the opportunity to pay it without calculated interest for late payment. The collection of these arrears will take place through the collection points of JP Vodovod i kanalizaza-Skopje (except for the lawsuit that dates back to 2007).

The possibility of paying the arrears without calculated interest in the specified period also applies to users-natural persons from households (respondents and regulars) where the service for collecting and transporting municipal waste is billed only through the account of JP Komunalna higiena-Skopje (rural areas) and users from the municipality of Shuto Orizari). The collection of these arrears will take place at the collection point of JP Komunalna higiena-Skopje, on Boro Todorović street no. 2.

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