After 22 days, Memet Camber will be buried at Butel cemetery

Finally, after the past 22 days, a solution was found for the case of "Memet" so that he could be decently buried at the cemetery in Butel (Skopje).

By the way, Memet died on May 24 in the hospital and until today, Memet's lifeless body stood in the chapel of the Butel cemetery in Skopje.

In connection with this case, the administrative services were working on an administrative problem that had to prove the real, i.e. biological, parents of Memet, so that according to the law and the evidence from DNA, the real parents would be recorded (recorded) in the birth register.

Otherwise, the case got complicated after it was found out that Memet's biological mother reported him to the hospital as a newborn baby with a borrowed health card, that is, it was borrowed from a close relative (Zolva). Memet's mother did not think about the procedure and the consequences of the step because she was a minor and was only 14 years old.

In connection with the "Memet" case, the MP Ljatifa Šikovska, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Muhamed Toci, and the lawyer Mr. M- R. Shenay Osmanov.

For today's funeral with a minimum financial payment as funeral expenses to AD-Butel in the value of 500 euros will be donated by the Mayor and Councilors from the Municipality of Shuto Orizari.

According to the information of the family, the funeral will be held at 14:00 in Butel.

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