Public call for subsidizing the citizens of the city of Skopje for more economical forms of heating - high-efficiency inverter air conditioners for heating for 2023

The city of Skopje, in order to stimulate the residents of the city of Skopje (households) to use high-efficiency inverter air conditioners for heating their homes, which are more economical, energy efficient and environmentally friendly, to residents who have purchased a high-efficiency inverter air conditioner in 2023 will reimburse them for the costs incurred during the purchase of the device up to 20,000.00 denars in net amount per household.

The public call will last until the exhaustion of the foreseen financial resources from the Budget of the City of Skopje for 2023 for this purpose or as of November 1, 2023, depending on which condition occurs first. If all the planned financial resources from the Budget of the City of Skopje for this purpose are exhausted, the City of Skopje will inform the public on its website that the Public Call has been terminated before the end of the period for which it was announced. The public call will be implemented according to the order of application, that is, according to the date and time of application and after the sent confirmation of the delivered furnace. Right to participate in the Public Call: Residents of the city of Skopje (in the municipalities: Aerodrom, Gazi Baba, Kisela Voda, Karposh, Chair, Shuto Orizari, Centar, Gjorce Petrov, Butel and Saraj) have the right to participate in the Public Call. have purchased a high-efficiency inverter air conditioner for heating their household (residential building) in the period from 01.01.2023 until the end of the Public Call and will submit a request for reimbursement of costs. Two or more households living at the same address according to their ID card have the right to participate in the Public Call, only with attached proof that they are separate households (bills for different electricity meters or with different property documents).



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