The body of Memet Kamber (19) has been in the chapel for almost two weeks, the authorities did not give him documents, and they are asking for a DNA analysis

The body of 19-year-old Memet Kamber, who died on May 24 in hospital without any identity documents, is still in the chapel in Buttel.

Because Memet had no identification document, the body could not be handed over. The only way to confirm that the relatives were indeed related to him by blood, which is a prerequisite for the body to be handed over to them, is for the closest relatives who lived with the boy to do a DNA analysis, the results of which are now being awaited.

Memet's mother abandoned him, after which he lived in his uncle's family, and they did not give him an identity card because he did not have a title deed for the house he lived in, which was an illegal construction. He had serious health problems that kept getting worse, but he could not get treatment, because he had neither money nor documents. The doctors who attended him before he died said that he probably never received any treatment for the medical condition from which he died. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health does not have any report on the case of the child Memet Kamber, informed the Minister of Health Fatmir Medjiti.

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