The citizens of Shuto Orizari, forgotten by JSP, have been waiting for a bus for an hour

Do the city of Skopje and the Public Transport Company Skopje have heard about the people from Shuto Orizari? Every day the same picture and the same problems. They promised that the problem would be solved, but they fell short of their promises. Ever since the morning rushes, nervousness, pushing, crowding.

Instead of carrying themselves to the workplace like any normal person, with positive energy, the atmosphere is on the verge of conflict.

  We wait for hours for the bus and when it stops at the station, hardly anyone gets on, and instead of 50, there are 100 or more people inside.

Pushing, squeezing, so that a person cannot take air. Luche with paid monthly tickets are often forced to take alternative transport to reach the city. They pay an extra amount of money to taxi drivers,

  And the problem is not only in the morning hours, it is also during the whole day. We are waiting for an hour for transportation.

Is there a solution to this chaos and the irregular bus lines 19 and 20.

There is, but the city of Skopje and JSP do not seem to care about the citizens of Shuto Orizari.

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