R. North Macedonia: Without 1000 euros for a family of four, the month does not go by

A family of four needs almost one thousand euros to cover basic expenses in May this year. This is shown by the calculations of the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) for the value of the minimum union basket, which in May is 60,090 denars. Most of the expenses, that is 21 689 denars, according to the calculations of the SSM, are spent on food and drinks, for clothes and shoes a family of four needs 4 928 denars in May, and for overhead costs and rent 6 014 denars. 5,020 denars each from the family budget are allocated for transportation.

Compared to the value of the union minimum basket for April this year, which is 60,212 denars, the value of the basket for May has decreased by 122 denars.

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