From June 1, Germany opens the door for over 50,000 workers, Macedonians first on the list

From June 1 - Saturday, Macedonians will find it easier to work in Germany. The third phase of the Law on Attracting Qualified Workers is starting, with the aim of filling the shortage of staff that the European superpower is facing. From then on, the quota for citizens from the Western Balkans, including Macedonia, will be doubled. Instead of 25,000, 50,000 workers will be able to start work immediately. - All kinds of professional staff are needed, and with the development of artificial intelligence, IT experts and programmers are most appreciated, said Ulrich Tsaitel, a member of the Economic Council of the CDU. The changes do not apply to jobs where the diploma must be nostrified, such as doctors and medical personnel. For all other professions, whose diplomas are recognized in Germany and have 2 years of experience in the home country, no proof is necessary.

Otherwise, the German dual education opens up hope for the Macedonian economy, but also the fear that more and more workers will go abroad in search of well-paid work. The initial effects are positive, the Germans say, but for complete success, a lot of effort is needed, and above all, a change in the mentality of the young.

The principle of dual education is being introduced in the Macedonian system with German support, and its aim is to provide qualified staff during the educational process, say professors in an interview for MRT1.

The German delegation from Frankfurt held a meeting with the Macedonian faculties. They say that only through good cooperation with domestic companies, excellent results can be achieved.

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