Kurshumlija, Serbia: The situation is still difficult and uncertain, doctors in Nis are fighting for the life of the girl who was injured on the carousel in Kurshumlija

As reported by the Serbian media, on May 8, around 1:00 p.m., a merry-go-round full of children burst at the fair in Kuršumlija. 13 children were injured, of which this girl, the most seriously injured, was brought to UC Nis at about 15:30 on the same day, accompanied by an ambulance doctor from Prokuplje. After primary health care and on the basis of the emergency diagnostics performed at the Prokuplje Hospital, severe neurosurgical injuries were found. The patient was immediately hospitalized at the Intensive Care Clinic and due to her current life-threatening condition, she was intubated and is in a medically induced coma - the Nis University Medical Center announced after the admission of the seriously injured girl.

The director of the Nis University Hospital, Dr. Zoran Perišić, said on May 9 that the injuries sustained by a 12-year-old girl from Kuršumlija did not require active surgical treatment at the time. He stated that it is evident that there are brain injuries, that the child is on a ventilator and that everything is being done to stabilize her condition, after which the best assessment will be made for her further treatment.

After the incident, the Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic announced that Jovan Nedeljkovic, the tenant of the plot and Zoran Ljubomirovic, the owner of the carousel were arrested on reasonable suspicion that they committed a serious crime against public security. . After the hearing in the prosecutor's office and the court, a measure of detention was determined for them.

The other children suffered minor injuries and are being treated at home.

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