Ramush Muarem - Cirko: The most dangerous source for spreading misinformation and propaganda are social networks!

Propaganda and disinformation are gaining momentum, especially on social media. In the past, propaganda was mostly used for advertising purposes, today it has penetrated into every pore of society, says journalist Ramush Muarem - Cirko, in an interview with CIVIL Media.

he adds that only with positive and realistic propaganda can we fight black and bad propaganda.

"During the corona, I published a sarcastic propaganda text on social networks that "only in Shutka there is no corona". That propaganda spread very quickly, however, the purpose of such propaganda was to point out to me that the Roma in Shutka are forgotten by society, by the system," says Muarem.

He emphasized that only with a strong campaign and media literacy will the citizens be able to get to know the bad side of propaganda and disinformation.

Link: https://civilmedia.mk/ramush-muarem-tsirko-sotsijalnite-mrezhi-se-najopasen-izvor-za-shirene-na-dezinformatsii-i-propaganda/



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