R. North Macedonia: The homeless in a race for life with the harsh winter and poverty

Homelessness is a profound attack on dignity, social exclusion and the right to life. It is (prima facie) a violation of the right to housing and violates a number of human rights. People experiencing homelessness, even when housed in the Centers, need food, work, health care and support for mental health and the trauma they have experienced.

The last time a global survey was done – by the United Nations in 2005 – it was estimated that over 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many as 1.6 billion people lack adequate housing (Habitat, 2015). In 2021, the World Economic Forum reported that there are 150 million homeless people worldwide.

North Macedonia is not excluded from this phenomenon either, where the Red Cross and institutions within the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs provide shelter.

The Homeless Center in Skopje's Momin Potok says that until now, since the center was opened 15 years ago, there have been no cases of death in the stationary part during the winter period. They point out that the research carried out by their professional team that works dedicatedly in the homeless center shows that the following reasons for a person to become homeless are: The addictive nature of the homeless to alcohol, narcotic substances, gambling, psychiatric diseases, poverty and social exclusion, unemployment and property-legal unresolved issues.

The male population is the most represented group. Homeless women are not excluded, but their number is much smaller compared to homeless men, where the percentage ratio is 80:20, according to the Point for the Homeless.

Most of the time, the homeless are individuals, with an average age of 55, who have weak, undeveloped family relationships, and in most cases, they don't have those relationships at all. Homeless families who use the services at the homeless center are less represented.


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