Serbia: Alarming warning - More and more young Roma aged 28-29 have premature heart attacks, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes

The famous internist-cardiologist from Leskovac, Dr. Miodrag Miladinović-Mici, has more than two decades of work experience, has an excellent approach and communication with patients and is very dedicated to their treatment.

What can be said from the clinical experience, covered over decades from the coronary department of the Leskovac General Hospital, is that the clinical impression is that members of the Roma population at an earlier age are more likely to have heart attacks and coronary diseases, that women who belong of the Roma population have diabetes and kidney failure at an earlier age, already in their thirties.

"However, the clinical impression, which can be easily translated into statistics, is that members of the Roma population suffer the same pain as those for whom the statistical analysis was made, namely in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and in Croatia, where by the way there are many Roma and they form a human social community in which they live, and they have been analyzed to show that people with the same blood pressure, the same cholesterol, the same body weight, the so-called Caucasians, compared to members of the Roma population, members of the Roma population have more cardiovascular diseases. Why is that. There are several reasons. One is genetic. Translated simply, they have premature angina pectoris, premature myocardial infarction, premature aortic dissection because we have, I can tell you from experience, it's not at all strange that men at twenty-eight, twenty-nine years old have heart attacks, so it's about members of the Roma population. It means genetic predisposition.

When we talk about shortening the life of members of the Roma population, it means that the life expectancy is shorter than that of the Caucasians, let's call them all that, I won't use other terms now, but it's a medical term, infectious causes affect everywhere. And without physical activity, with fast food, with sweets, you have this waist circumference, it creates metabolic syndrome, it is pre-diabetes and we are talking about the female population, they move less."




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