Roma from Serbia, owners of illegally built buildings, due to unclear property legal status and financial reasons, cannot exercise the right to electricity, water and sewage connection.

According to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, citizens living in illegal constructions will be able to submit requests for connection to electricity, heating, water and sewage within 30 days, starting from September 15, through a form submitted to the municipalities. . Connection is possible only for one object, that is, one apartment of the same owner who uses it for living.

The connection is of a temporary nature and does not affect the determination of the legal status of the object.

In Serbia, a large number of Roma citizens who have built their own residential buildings will have the opportunity to submit requests for temporary connection to electricity, water and sewerage, but many face an unresolved legal property situation, i.e. ownership of the plots on which their houses are located. constructed facilities.

Roma families also face a financial problem, because the electricity connection alone costs from 80 to 100 thousand dinars or about 800 or 900 euros.

All citizens living in illegal constructions will be able to submit requests for connection to electricity, water and sewage until October 15 of the current year.


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