Memorandum of cooperation between "Habitat Macedonia" and the municipality of Kumanovo for financing the construction of a DUP in "Osmanov Rid", for better housing conditions

The international non-governmental organization "Habitat Macedonia" and the Municipality of Kumanovo signed a memorandum of cooperation, for financial support of the Detailed Urban Plan (DUP) at the Osmanov Hill location, opposite the Ossuary Memorial.

"Habitat Macedonia" will finance the development of a DUP in "Osmanov Rid", for better housing conditions

With this project, there will be other activities in the Municipality of Kumanovo, as part of a larger five-year campaign of "Habitat" in which the Municipality of Shuto Orizari is also involved.

"The goal is actually an agreement with which "Habitat Macedonia" undertakes to finance a DUP, specifically for the Osmanov Rid location. Here we have a large number of built buildings, but there are also a large number of free plots where there is interest for construction. This part of the city is not urbanistically resolved by DUP, and I am very glad that the organization is coming forward and will cover the financial part for the preparation of the Detailed Urban Plan", said the mayor Maksim Dimitrievski.

The promotion of the "Home is Equality" project coincided with the International Housing Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday in October. The latest campaign should raise public awareness about the home as a basis for further development of people for economic, health, educational and other aspects.

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