During the vintage period, the daily wage in Macedonia ranges around 25 euros

Years ago in the period August - October is the period when the vintage is at its height.

In the months of August, September and October, larger groups of grape pickers stay in Negotino and Kavadarci every year. Most of the time, it is about Roma people who take advantage of this period and go to harvest, in order to earn some more per diem. We are talking about larger groups, even whole families, so that they can ensure a more decent livelihood on the eve of winter. It is mostly about families from social risk.

Those groups usually come from Vinica, Kočani, Shtip, Strumica and other places from the eastern part of the country, as well as from Veles, Kavadarci and Negotino, who stay in rented rooms, and some come with their own van and live in it during of the vintage.

By the way, the grape pickers staying in Tikveshitia charge 25 euros for harvesting from six in the morning to 12 in the afternoon, they require provided transportation and breakfast. For every hour of harvesting after 12 noon, they charge 5 euros.

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