The Ministry of the Interior has published an advertisement for a training and job position - a police officer, but there are also special conditions!

The Ministry of the Interior published today (10.08.2023) a public announcement for the establishment of employment relations for 600 executors of the post of police, in accordance with its organizational needs, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the laws on internal affairs and the police, and the corresponding by-laws .

Namely, for the position of police officer in the Department of Internal Affairs Skopje, 300 executors are required, in the Department of Internal Affairs Ohrid there are open positions for 100 executors, admission for 30 executors is possible in the Department of Internal Affairs Tetovo, 20 each in the departments of internal affairs in Strumica, Kumanovo, Shtip, in the Department for the Protection of Certain Persons and Objects, as well as in the Regional Centers for Border Affairs North and West. 15 executors are wanted in the internal affairs departments of Bitola and Veles, and 10 executors each in the East and South regional centers for border affairs.

In addition to the general conditions stated in the advertisement, the candidates must also meet the special conditions, namely a required body height of at least 175 cm (men), 165 cm (women) and high personal physical fitness, a diploma for completed four-year secondary education, as well as a hand-signed a statement that confirms that he is not a member of a political party or a member of organs and bodies of a political party.

After the selection procedure, which includes an administrative selection of the submitted documentation, a check of motor skills (for men: at least 9 "push-ups" at an interval of 10 seconds, at least 16 "stomach lifts" at an interval of 30 seconds, "jump at a distance of place" with a minimum jump length of 220cm, "20m sprint" in at least 3.35 seconds, "100m sprint" in at least 15 seconds and "1500m run" in at least 5.25 minutes and for women: at least 6 "push-ups" in a 10-second interval, at least 12 "sit-ups" in a 30-second interval, a "standing long jump" with a minimum jump length of 160cm, a "20m sprint" in at least 3.50 seconds , "sprint 100 meters" for at least 18 seconds and "run 800 meters" for at least 3 minutes, and other physical checks determined by the Commission), then integrity test and psychological test, general education test, interview, security screening and health examinations.

The selected police officer candidates sign a contract for basic training for a police officer for a period of one year, which will be conducted at the Training Center in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a 10 percent higher number of police candidates than the number of vacancies for which this announcement has been announced, that is, a total of 660 candidates will be sent to the Training Center.

The deadline for submission of applications is 15 days, counted from the day following the day of publication of the public announcement, not counting the day of publication itself. Untimely and incomplete documentation will not be considered. For more information visit the website for this advertisement -




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