IPPG working meeting to support Roma rights, their inclusion and integration in Republic of North Macedonia


A working meeting of the Inter-Party Parliamentary Group (IPPG) for supporting the rights of the Roma, their inclusion and integration in the Republic of North Macedonia will be held today in the Parliament.

The working meeting is related to the regular activities for 2023.

Members of the Inter-Party Parliamentary Group for the support of Roma rights, their inclusion and integration in the Republic of North Macedonia are: Ljatife Šikovska - coordinator, Igor Zdravkovski - deputy coordinator and Ljupco Balkoski - deputy coordinator. Members are: Arbana Pasholi, Sanela Shkrijelj, Dafina Stojanovska, Merita Kolchi-Kodzadziku, Jadranka Potskova, Bedri Fazli, Velika Stojkova-Serafimovska, Angelinka Petkova and Lidija Tasevska.


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