The Alliance against Roma Discrimination is outraged by the actions of the police and the basic public prosecutor's office in Leskovac in the case of an attack on Roma in Turekovac

"We believe that the attack is inadmissible and must not be tolerated in a society that promotes democracy." "Although the police have identified the suspects, we believe that the investigation is insufficiently detailed and that additional steps should be taken to determine responsibility for this incident," the statement said.

Also, the Alliance against Discrimination of Roma expresses its indignation at the actions of the police and the basic public prosecutor's office in Leskovac, who believe that it is a criminal offense that can be prosecuted under a private lawsuit.

"We call on all competent institutions to take adequate steps to protect the Roma from such attacks and to prevent the further spread of prejudice and hatred towards them." Roma are a part of this society and have the same rights as all other citizens of the RS", it is stated at the end of the announcement of the Alliance against Roma Discrimination.

As a reminder, today the Leskovac Police Department announced to ROMinfomedia that on April 11 this year, police officers from the Police Department in Leskovac, immediately after the victims reported that unknown persons were throwing stones and banging on the gates of houses, went to the scene, interviewed injured parties and notified the competent prosecutor's office, which stated that it was a criminal offense that was prosecuted under a private lawsuit.

As it was announced, with further work, the police identified and found a twenty-two-year-old young man, as well as five nineteen-year-olds, against whom they will file appropriate misdemeanor charges from the Law on Public Order and Peace.




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